About SneakyPal.Com

What Is SneakyPal.Com?

SneakyPal.com is a fun and easy way for friends, family, and coworkers to draw names, share gift ideas, and add a little joy and laughter to life! We provide an online way to do the classic "secret pal" for your group, with no hat required!

What is a secret pal?

If you've never done a secret pal drawing before, you don't know what you are missing! Basically you get your group together, everyone picks a name, and then you surprise each other on a regular basis with whatever you decide would be the most fun. It might be gifts, handmade crafts, baked goodies, or just an encouraging note! The possibilities are endless and left up to your own creativity and imagination.

The fun is not just in the getting, but in the giving and the guessing! Finding creative ways to "sneakily" deliver your gift, teasing the person you picked with clues to your identity, and trying to guess who your own Sneaky Pal is are all part of the fun. Many groups will have a scheduled "reveal" event, which might be an in-person get-together or virtual, when the Sneaky Pals are revealed! Then it is time to draw again and start the fun again! You'll be surprised how many people want to join in once they see how much fun you are having.

How does SneakyPal make things easy?
  • It's free.
  • It's simple to get everyone together, no matter where in the world they are. Just create a group and you'll get an invite link you can share via email, social media, text message, or any other way you like. When your group members visit your invite link, they simply enter an email address, password, the name they want to use for themself, and they're in!
  • You can set up special rules if you want, like no spouses picking each other or only picking people from another department. You can customize the rules in any way you'd like.
  • You can share your own interests, needs, wants, on your own wishlist, so that your Sneaky Pal can come up with some great surprises for you.
  • You can send messages when you need more info, or if you want to keep them guessing about their Sneaky Pal. Just choose the "Make It Sneaky!" option when you send a message and they won't know who sent it. They'll just know it was "Someone Sneaky".
  • You can use the same group over and over if you'd like. Do a drawing, add or remove people later, and do another drawing!
  • We don't send spam, and we never share your email address or the email addresses of your group members with anyone. Your email address is only used for notifications about activity in your group (name drawing, new message received, etc.)
What kind of groups use SneakyPal.Com?

We have many different types of groups who enjoy using the site. Some examples are:

  • Teachers and School Staff
  • Office Teams (both local and spread out all over the world)
  • Clubs
  • New Mom Groups
  • Online Communities
  • Church Groups
  • Families
  • Friends
  • Any other group that wants to have fun!

SneakyPal.com was created by the same team behind the popular online secret santa website, SneakySanta.com. We found that people wanted to extend the fun year-round and we are proud to bring you SneakyPal.com. Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy it!